Cara Copy Dongle Software Security

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  1. Cara Copy Dongle Software Security Software
  2. Cara Copy Dongle Software Security Camera

How to clone sentinel dongle - cara kloning & menjalankan virtual dongle SentinelDownload link: Cara Copy Dongle Software Security › 〓〓 Cara Copy Dongle Software Security A software protection dongle (commonly known as a dongle or key) is an electronic copy protection and content protection device which, when attached to a computer or other electronic appliance, unlocks software functionality or decodes content. Copy Dongle Usb Look at most relevant Cara copy security dongle usb websites out of 2.14 Million at MetricsKey. Cara copy security dongle usb found at softwaretopic. For example, a dongle attached to a TV may receive an encoded video stream, decode it in the dongle, and then present this audio and video information to the TV.

Dongle Emulator Clone Backup and Crack Service. is functioning among. The topic of reverse engineering and electronic device backup. Because of the actual fact 2008.



Our name is our most important plus. throughout the last 14 years, we’ve got worked robust to earn a unprecedented recognition among, our customers and prospective customers.


We have evolved, The foremost advanced and reliable electronic device Dongle backup.

Utilities to supply you with a one hundred pc operating chance to your, distinctive hardware dongle. Our Dongle emulation are presently at add organizations.

Cara Copy Dongle Software Security Software

By doing away with the important. Dongle electronic device it’s currently possible to hold out your pc work with out the danger of negative your precious hardware lock.


For the remaining 14 years we’ve created emulator and clone dongles, device backup solutions for plenty customers.

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We are a little enterprise and every employee. Needs superior technical education in ready to give the support our purchasers need.

Our customers are huge transnational companies, authorities departments of diverse countries, additionally to an enormous amount of tiny teams and people.


Cara Copy Dongle Software Security Camera

Safenet Sentinel
Sentinel HL
Codemeter Cmstick
TDI Matrix
Eutron Smartkey
Aladdin Hardlock


Dongle Emulator DMCA Exemptions

All the same the provisions of segment (a)(1)(A), someone UN agency has lawfully obtained the correct to use a duplicate of a computer virus might circumvent a technological live that effectively controls access to a selected.


Portion of that program for the only real purpose of distinguishing associate degreed analyzing those components of the program that are necessary to realize ability of an severally created computer program with alternative programs.

Which haven’t antecedently been without delay accessible to the person participating within the dodging, to the extent any such acts of identification and analysis don’t represent infringement underneath this title.

Some Tested Dongle Emulator Softwares

WelcomeToMM Group'sweb page


(hardware copy)

IF YOU do not know what kind of USB dongleyou have or something unclear

click here to identify it

if you know what you want


read USB TYPE HASP click here

(c) 2018 MM Group.

HASP - Duplicators

Page was modified on12.11.2018

Dongleis a device to plug in to the LPT (or other) port. It is used to storesome information and to communicate with protected software. Ifsoftware can't find required dongle, it will not run properly. It'smain purpose copy protection. HASP (R) is a trademark name of donglesmanufactured by Alladin.

A:HASP wiring scheme is common for all HASP dongles. The unique is onlyfunctional and memory content inside the HASP chips. In case of Memo-x,NetHASP, TimeHASP, HASP36,HASP4 the PC talks to dongle via D0-D7 wires(pin 2 ..9 on D25 parallel port connector, in the case of LPT). Thedongle answers to PC via 'PaperEnd' (pin 12 ) wire. All other wires areused just to supply a power or switch it on/off.

Toanalyze HASP protocol yourself you will need logic state analyzer withat least 9 (better 12) channels. The sampling rate must be minimum 2times higher than your parallel port speed. Also it must have multipletriggering capability and enough memory.

Exampleof HASP logic state analysis here. and we will do it for you.

Thereare 3 ways to avoid you dongle:

1.Modify protected software - usually complicated and can causelost of some functionality of software. It is also illegal in many states.

2.Use HASP driver emulator is good way, but it does not always workperfectly, especially sensitive for upgrades and OS changes. Sometimesexpensive.

3.Make hardware duplicate of your original HASP. This is also good wayand there is no need to modify/create any software. If you do not wantto touch HASP protected soft due legal issues or worry tocause its proper operation - read below.


How wedo HASP hardware

You will only need to read data of you HASP. But you don't have tosend a HASP to Us! (thisis usual question). Simply we will send you small program which in fewseconds will read all data from your HASP and write it to separatefile. This file you should send back to us and from supplied data wewill develop your HASP dongle replacement. And we can do a lot of them!!!

Thereare vast number of various dongles floating around, and 'Hasp' is justone kind of them. How to know which one is in your hands? It could beSafeNet Sentinel, Rockey, ILok, Gemplus,Hardlock, Marx, Wibu oranything else. All they made by different vendors, has differentfunctions and appearance.
The first thing you need to know whatexactly you have. Luckily Microsoft developed nice application'UVCView.exe' which can show all devices plugged in to USB ports ofcomputer and pull all basic identification information out of it. Belowis step-by step instruction how to get identification data out of yourdongle:
1.Download here
Is it safe? UVCView is not our product. It is Open source sample applicationdeveloped by Microsoft (R) and included with Windows(R) driverdevelopment kit. If you don't trust this site, just search for'UVCview' on internet and download from wherever you want.
2.Unpack and run (doubleclick)UVCView.x86.exe
3.On the left side you can seeall USB ports and devices of your PC
4. Plug your USB dongle andpress 'Refresh' in File menu to see the latest list.
(Sometimes Refresh is done automatically)
5.Click on the device and all its information showup on the right side
6.Save thatinformation in to Key.txt file by going to menu File, Save As..., enterfile name and Save
7.Email Key.txt file to
Sowe can verify what sort of dongle is it, how it can be duplicated, andwhat are future instructions and procedures for creating its duplicate.
We reply usually within 24 hours.
Theidentification technique is Vendor independent and works with any USBdevice, even with USB Flash drive. You can play with it as much as youlike.
There is no need to have any drivers or any softwareinstalled. If you would see 'Found New Hardware' you cansafelycancel installation.

(this is only forprallel port dongles!)

1.Download Haspdata reader hasp4rdr.exe

Prepare empty floppy disk and run dowloaded Hasp4rdr.exe

app will ask you to insert

floppy and writes DOS boot files

and Hasp4 reader on it

3.You will getMS-DOS boot disk with Hasp4 reader on it
4.Read 'ReadMe.txt'file on the disk.
5.Plug your Hasp into LPT port

RebootPC from this floppy.

Folowonscreen instructions & read your hasps data

Thenyou will get your HASP data file with all memory content an otherinternal settings saved in *.hsp file on the same floppy

Ifsomething unclear - contact us:


E-maireceived hasp datafile


back to

8.Thenwe will verify if all data grabbed correctly and estimate a price ofyour HASP duplicate.

From this data we will develop twin of your HASP !!!!

something ???

<= Readabut this here
<= Read about this here
Contact Info:

MM Group

By Email :

(if something not works -send us dongle identification data as instructed here )
Before we can read a Hasp - we need toknow our Hasp passwords. They are diferent for each softwarevendor.

If you don't know them or don't know what they are -read how to get Hasp Passwords

If you know them - continue to reading sep by stepprocedure below.


Nowwe have our hasp passwords ready and your hasp plugged.

Notethat from this point everything can be done on any PC.

Itis not need to have your protected application installed.

DownloadHasp reader archive:


Createseparate folder for it. For example C:HaspHLrdr


Unzipdownloaded archive in to this new folder. It is 3 file inside:





Firstof all we need to install reader drivers. This is a standard OSprocedure as for any other hardware but for clarity it is illustratedbelow. Note that later driver can be removed in same way.


Goto 'Start' => 'Settings' => 'ControlPanel' => 'System'

6. Select 'Hardware' tab=> 'Device Manager' and then in USB Devices tree find our USBdevice. In most cases it will be 'Aladdin USB Key'. Now RIGHTCLICK mouse on it and select 'Update Driver...'

P.s Device Manager can also be reached in other ways.

7. Hardware UpdateWizard will start. When offered - select 'No, not this time'and go 'Next'.
8. Select 'Install from a listor specific location' and go 'Next'
9. On the search and installoptions select 'Don't search. I will choose the driver to install' andgo 'Next'
10. Then offered to selectdriver to install. It could be seen a number of items on the list -just ignore them and press 'Have Disk...'
11. Opens Install from Diskdialog - press 'Browse...' and locate dongledupe.inf file which is inthe same folder where we unzipped whole reader - see step_3above. In our example it is C:HaspHLrdr. Select it, then 'Open' and 'OK'.
12. Later you can see a warningthat Dongle-Duplicate driver is not passed Windows Logo. Select'Continue Anyway'


Atthe end is final screen saying that installation done. Select 'Finish'.

Herewe MUST Restart PC. In mostcases it will be the ask to do so from Windows, but if not - we sillneed to reboot now.

14. After restart we can go toDevice Manager again and verify if our driver is loaded ok - see steps5. and 6. above. On the list we should see 'Dongle-Duplicate readingdriver'. Note that hasp has to be plugged all this time.
15. Now we a fully ready toread. Go to the folder where reader is - in our example it isC:HaspHLrdr

Run HaspHLrdr.exe enter your hasp passwords(in our example they was 3C39:25A0) and press 'Read'.

Wait few minutes until it tells that readingdone and data in to file saved. This data file with DMP extension savedin same to same folder where reader is. Find it and email to

Contact Info:

Any questions or something not works - write:

Email :

Respond within 24 hours.

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