Fiona Finch And The Finest Flowers V1 02 Setup

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Fiona Finch and the Finest Flowers Walkthrough

Welcome to Gamezebo’s strategy guide for Fiona Finch and the Finest Flowers.

I. General

  • Trophies: a) Buy one of each of the six machines, b) Find every flower in Fiona’s story, c) Wing the Garden Beauty contest, and d) Use all 6 of Fiona’s skills. Fiona’s Skill: Busy Bee.
  • Fiona Finch and the Finest Flowers v1 02 setup: Logiciel: BIGFISH GAMES Fiona Finch And The Finest Flowers FULL VERSION. Overall it was a lovely game that I would definitely recommend! Rated 5 out of 5 by Gamerman77 from Best flower time management game!

A. Beginning and Restart Options:

When you open the game, you have the options of:

Fiona Finch and the Finest Flowers Walkthrough Welcome to Gamezebo's strategy guide for Fiona Finch and the Finest Flowers. Microsoft Powerpoint 2007 Torrent Tpb. The bulk of Fiona’s time is spent planting and tending to her flowerbeds. These flowers can be pruned, picked and sold, but must also be watered, 'fed' and kept free of pests.

1) Playing the Story,

2) Playing Free Gardening,

3) Setting Options, or

4) Exiting.

If you play the story, and restart the game later, there will then be the additional option of Cut scenes. Before each level of the Story mode, there will be a piece of a story about Fiona and the flower competition. If you choose the cut scenes after restart, you can watch any of the pieces of Fiona’s story again.

B. Items Not Included in the Tutorial:

This game explains almost every detail during game play. There are some items that are not fully explained:

1) Selling unneeded items back. If you click on the wrong item to buy, or you buy too many items, you can sell them back. On the Shopping tab, there is a button with a pile of cash on it. Just click on it, then click on the item you want to sell back. In the screenshot below, there are 2 perfume machines. You would click on the cash button, then click on the unneeded perfume machine. The cost of selling it back is just a bit lower than the original price.

This also works if you plant the wrong seeds; just click on the cash, then click on the flower that you do not want.

2) Time Limit/Clock:There are no time limits in this game. There is also no clock on the screen while you are playing. When you finish each level, your total time to complete the level will be shown.

3) Goals and Trophies:Since there is no time limit, the only concerns will be achieving the goals and trophies. Attaining the trophies is explained in Section II.

The goals have to be simultaneously achieved in each level. This means you will need to have the required amount of flowers blooming in the garden, the required number of types of flowers blooming in the garden, the money goal, and the weeds cleared at the same time. For example, if you achieve the money goal, but the level has not ended, look to see if you have enough flowers and/or types of flowers blooming, and stop picking them; just let them bloom. Be sure to chop down any weeds at the end of the level.

4) Customer requests: The customer requests will only appear one at a time for the first few levels. After that, they will appear 2 at a time, then 3 at a time.

a) You do not have to complete all of the customer requests, nor do you have to complete them in a certain order. If you do not have the machines or plants needed to fulfill the requests, just click on 'wait' after opening the request, and the request will go away by the time shown on the bar underneath the envelope.

b) When there are multiple requests, open all of them, and see what each customer is requesting. Then look at your garden and equipment to see which one you can meet first, then figure out which one you would be able to have ready second, and then third.

c) Some customers may give you recipes for mixing flowers when you complete their orders.

5) Free Gardening:To get all of the trophies, you will need to complete all of the goals in the Free Gardening mode. I have included instructions for this in the walkthrough.

Example: The first customer wants 3 raisins and 4 wrapped pruned lilac tulips for $450, and the second customer wants 3 raisin cakes and 3 unpruned lilac tulips for $500.

In your garden, you have unpruned lilac tulips, and no raisin cakes made. Choose the first customer. While you are making up the wrapped pruned lilac tulips, grab the raisins, then make more raisins, then make the raisin cakes. You can then leave the tulips alone and concentrate on the raisins and raisin cakes, since the second customer wants unpruned flowers.

This will save time when you have several customers waiting. Although the second customer is paying more for the order, you may not be able to get the order accomplished quick enough to earn the bonus, or even complete the order, if you choose the second customer first.

6) Weeds:You do not have to constantly dig up the weeds, but it is good to dig them up every few minutes or so, or they will grow out of control, and you will have to take several minutes to dig them all up if you wait until you have the two flowers’ and money goals completed. The weeds are all the same; they look like dandelions. You cannot dig up dirt patches or place your equipment or grape vines, blackberry bushes, or peach trees over a weed. Be sure the weeds are cleared before you want to place an item.

Weeds will also 'hide' behind your ovens, trees, bushes, other equipment, and even the items, trees, and shrubs that are already in place. When you are looking for weeds, mouse over these items slowly and the weed will be highlighted when you mouse over it. Be careful you are click on the weed and not on your blackberries or peaches. You may not be able to see the miniature icon that appears when you click on the action, but it will be added to Fiona’s queue of actions at the top of the screen underneath the goals:

The screenshot below shows a weed that is 'hiding' in Level 4:

7) Plants for Sale, Shelves, and Selling Plants for Half-Price:

In the screenshot below, the plant crossing machine is ready to go. When you start the first few levels, you will only be able to carry 3 flowers at a time. When you bring them into the warehouse, click on the warehouse. By clicking on the $ button in the lower left corner, then clicking on a plant, you can remove the price tag so that it will not be sold while you are collecting other flowers. Likewise, when you are ready to sell the plant, click on the $ button again, and then click on the plant.

Shelves will be available to buy starting in Level 3. You will be able to purchase 3 spaces each, and the cost will increase as you buy more.

The '-50%' button will allow you to select plants to sell at half price. I did not find a use for this throughout the Story or the Free Gardening.

C. Game Play:

At the beginning of each level, you will start out with a bare grass area, a warehouse, and a basket shelf, as a minimum. Look at your goals for each level. You will want to start out by digging patches of dirt.

In order to reach the number of blooming flowers goal, I found it easiest to figure 3 patches of dirt for each type of flower for Levels 1-2, then about 6 patches of dirt for each flower for the rest of the levels. This also comes in handy when the customer requests have the same flower, but requesting both pruned and unpruned, etc.

You will be harvesting one each of the first flowers you plant to cross in the warehouse to create new seeds. It does not matter if the flowers are pruned or not; they are still the same flower. New flowers cannot be crossed. There will be a molecule tag on the original flowers in the warehouse. Only flowers with the molecule tag can be crossed.

The seeds have an endless supply. You can harvest approximately 4 flowers from 1 seed.

There will be times when it seems impossible for Fiona to get everything done. But, there’s no time limit, so she doesn’t have to. If a flower dies from pests because you cannot get to it in time, just replant it. When you have customer orders, only concentrate on them, as time is critical to getting the bonuses. Look at everything that needs to be done, and do as many of the same things at once as possible. This is the order I did my actions in, with the least amount of time allowed for the items first, to the most amount of time allowed:

  • Pesticide
  • Prune
  • Plant Food
  • Water

II. Trophies

While in any level, click on Menu in the upper right corner. A pop up menu will appear (see the screenshot above in Section IB). Click on 'Trophies.' The trophy interface will appear, with 4 tabs:

There are 16 trophies. I found all of them to be easily achieved by playing the Story and the Free Gardening.

A. For Creating a New Flower in Fiona’s Story. Make a new flower by mixing in Level 1, Boot-Camping.

B. Fiona Reached Her Highest Speed: You can achieve this in Level 1: Boot-Camping. When you plant the second batch of new flowers, click on the seed packets fast enough to have at least 6 items in Fiona’s queue at one time. She will work through them, and you will receive this trophy.

C. Use All 6 of Fiona’s Skills: As you acquire Fiona’s skills throughout the levels, use the newest skill as soon as you get it.

D. Buy One of Each of the 6 Machines. This will be achieved in Level 7 of Fiona’s Story.

E. Bake at least 50 Apricot Jam Cakes. You might not achieve this while playing the Story only. You can easily achieve this in the Free Gardening mode.

F. Grow at least 200 pruned flowers. This should easily be achieved by Level 3.

G. Have at least $300,000 income in the entire game. You might not achieve this in the Story mode. Continue playing in the Free Gardening mode.

H. Complete two orders that arrive together. This can be achieved in Level 3, but if not, then easily in Level 4 or 5.

I. Sell at least 500 goods. This will be achieved by Level 4.

J. Complete 3 orders that arrive together. This can be achieved in Level 6 by using Fiona’s Way Ahead skill.

K. Complete the goals of 3 gardens in 'Free Gardening.'

L. Find every flower in 'Fiona’s story.' You will get this after growing each of the new flowers in Level 7.

M. Complete 100 orders with a bonus. You may need to continue in the Free Gardening mode to get this.

N. Win the garden beauty contest. You will get this in Level 7 of Fiona’s story.

O. Complete the goals of all seven gardens in 'Free Gardening.'

P. Win all the trophies.

III. Walkthrough

Spoilers for crossing the plants are explained in Section IV.


When you get to Level 3, you will need to begin planning the items you will need.

I found it easy to achieve Levels 1 through 5 in 30 to 45 minutes or less, and Levels 6 and 7 in about an hour, by doing the following:

1) Ensure you have 3-6 patches of dirt for each of the original flowers, and at least 6 patches for each new flower. The blooming flower goals will easily be reached using this formula. The screenshots for each Level show how I laid these out.

2) Have raisins, grapes, blackberries, apricots, blackberry and apricot jam, and apricot juice prepared ahead of time. Replace them as the customers order them. Have extra raisins, grapes, blackberries, apricots, and jams in case one customer orders more than 3, or if more than one customer needs the same item(s).

3) Buy items in this order, as you acquire them through the levels:

a) Sprinklers.

b) One flower wrapping machine; as soon as you are on the levels where this is available to buy. Buy a total of 2 flower wrapping machines whenever possible.

c) One perfume maker as soon as you are on the levels where this is available to buy.

d) Beehives for a total of 2.

d) One oven to make gingerbread cookies from the honey.

e) Total of 2 grapevines.

f) Total of 2 fruit dryers to make raisins.

g) One oven to make raisin cakes.

h) Total of 3 blackberry bushes.

i) Total of two jam boilers to make blackberry jam.

j) One oven to make blackberry jam cakes.

k) 3 or 4 apricot trees.

l) Two jam boilers to make apricot jam.

m) One press to make apricot juice.

n) One oven to make apricot jam cakes. You should now have 3 ovens total.

o) Buy shelves in the warehouse until you have the maximum allowed.

The screenshots for the levels below show how I placed these. Do not forget that you may need to cut weeds or move other items to be able to place the new items you are buying.

This may seem like a lot of money to buy the equipment, but the customer orders are high in value. You will get bonuses for filling the orders quickly. The sole purpose of this equipment in the Story mode is to be able to fulfill customer orders quickly. Also, by being able to fill the orders quickly, you can fill more than one order.

When you play the Free Gardening mode, use the same general guidelines above and below, except make and sell the cakes in the warehouse along with the wrapped flowers, etc.

4) The types of flowers blooming goal is met when you plant the original flowers, then make new flowers and plant them. One of each type needs to be blooming until you have the total number of types needed to meet this goal.

Do not worry about getting the cake trophies until you are playing in the Free Gardening mode.

5) Money goal: The highest value items you have or can make are, in this order:

a) Customer orders,

b) Wrapped new pruned flowers grown in topsoil,

c) Perfumes made from new flowers,

d) Wrapped new unpruned flowers,


d) New pruned flowers.

To get through the levels quickly and meet the money goal, which is the most difficult, follow these general steps:

  • Use Fiona’s skills as necessary. Be sure to account for the time it will take for her to recharge. I only used the Amazing Efficiency, Patient Customer, and Way Ahead after getting all of the skills.
  • Figure out how many dirt patches you need and dig all of them at one time.
  • Move the items you use in the garden area (pesticide cart, plant food kit, topsoil shelf, basket shelf, and water pump) close to the garden and as centered as possible.
  • Buy the first water sprinkler if you have money at the start of the level, or as soon as possible.
  • Put topsoil down.
  • Plant the first original seeds you have.
  • Prune all of these.
  • Pick one each of the original types that you have available and get them in the warehouse. You may not have all of the seeds available until later in the level; this is okay. Plant all of the seeds you do have.
  • Cross the flowers and plant the new seeds as quickly as possible.
  • Prune all of the new flowers, or at least as many as possible.
  • Sell the pruned new flowers.
  • Buy a flower wrapping machine as soon as possible, then sell wrapped pruned new flowers and pruned new flowers. Keep the warehouse as full as possible.
  • Fulfill as many of the first customer orders as possible. You may not have the equipment needed to fulfill some of them; that is okay.
  • Keep making other wrapped flowers, etc, if you have extra seconds where you are not doing anything while fulfilling a customer order.
  • Buy the equipment as listed above. As soon as you have the honey, make a batch of gingerbread cookies and leave them on the oven.
  • As soon as you have grapes, make raisins and then raisin cakes, and leave them on the dryers and oven.
  • As soon as you have blackberries, make blackberry jams and blackberry cakes, and leave them on the boilers and oven.
  • As soon as you have the apricots, make the apricot jam, juice, and cakes, and leave them on the boilers, press, and oven.
  • Make the new flowers as soon as the judges release the remaining original flowers.
  • Keep selling wrapped new pruned and unpruned flowers, new flower perfumes, and pruned and unpruned new flowers. Keep the warehouse as full as possible.
  • Use the honey, grapes, blackberries, apricots, and all of their various products to fulfill customer orders only in the Story mode. These are not worth much.

Level 1: Boot-Camping.

  • Trophies: a) Creating a New Flower in Fiona’s Story, and b) Fiona Reached Her Highest Speed.

This level will be almost entirely tutorial actions. For most of these, you cannot continue until you complete the tutorial action.

When you do not have tutorial actions, keep growing, pruning, and selling pruned flowers.

Fill the customer requests.

Cross the original seeds to make the new flowers, and continue pruning and selling pruned flowers.

Level 1 as completed is shown below.

Level 2: Bees at the Beach.

  • New Skill: Flyer Marketing Skill. Click on it to use it when you get it.
  • New Items to Buy: a) Bees to make honey, b) Oven, c) Watering Can and Pump, and d) Pesticide cart.

Note: All machines throughout this level and the rest of the game can take 4 products and make 3 at a time. Be aware of this when you have a bigger basket and can carry more products at a time, as this can seriously affect your bonus time or being able to complete a customer order on time.

Example: The customer requests 3 raisins and 3 grapes. You have two full grapevines, so you pick up the 6 grapes. You then take the grapes to the dryer, then drop off the rest of the grapes at the warehouse. But now it says the customer still needs 4 grapes? This is because when you went to the dryer, it took 4 of your grapes, instead of 3. To avoid this, fill one piece of the order at a time; go to one vine at a time. It may seem tedious, but the extra steps will actually save the time you will have to wait to make or grow the products a second time.

This level will contain some more tutorials. Start out by digging about 3 dirt patches for each type of flower you will be growing.

Buy the bees, oven, watering can and pump, and the pesticide cart as instructed. Water and spray your flowers as needed. You can click directly on the flowers that need attention to get Fiona to take the necessary action; you do not need to click the cart or the pump separately and then click the flowers.

There will be a foghorn sound whenever any of your flowers is in trouble with pests. The pests may actually kill a plant before you get to it. There is plenty of time to be able to water, and later feed nutrients.

Fill customer orders, prune and sell pruned flowers as in Level 1 to complete the money goal.

Level 2 as completed shown below:

Level 3: Among Trees.

  • Trophies: You can earn a) Grow at Least 200 pruned flowers and b) Complete two orders that arrive together.
  • Fiona’s Skill: Amazing Efficiency.
  • New items: a) topsoil shelf, b) grape vines, c) fruit dryers, and d) plant food kit.

Dig at least 3 patches of dirt for each of the original flowers, and at least 6 dirt patches for each of the new flowers.

Grow the original flowers you have and prune them.

Cross them as quickly as possible.

Grow, prune and sell the new flowers only.

Fill the customer orders that you have the items for.

Buy an extra beehive.

Make gingerbread cookies as soon as you have 3 jars of honey.

Buy the topsoil shelf as soon as it is available, and start putting topsoil on the empty patches of dirt, after the flowers die, and before you put down new seeds. This will increase the value of either pruned or unpruned flowers that you sell.

Buy two grape vines and two dryers as soon as they are available, and you have the money.

Make raisins as soon as you have 3 bunches of grapes for each dryer.

Buy another oven to make raisin cakes.

Buy more shelves in the warehouse as you have the money.

Fill customer orders, and sell new pruned flowers grown with topsoil

Grow and cross the original flowers as soon as the judges give you the seeds.

Grow and sell the new pruned flowers grown with topsoil.

Buy the Plant Food Kit when it becomes available.

Keep filling customer orders, and growing and selling the new pruned flowers until you reach the money goal.

Clean up the rest of the weeds.

Below are left and right views of the layout of the garden as it was completed:

Level 4: Rock and Rose

  • Trophy: Sell at least 500 goods.
  • Fiona’s Skill: Patient Customer.
  • New items: Blackberry bushes, jam boilers, and upgrades for the items you use in the garden.

Dig at least 3 patches of dirt for each of your original flowers, and 6 patches for each of the new ones.

Put down topsoil; put topsoil down on the bare dirt patches from here on.

Grow and prune the original flowers that you have.

Cross the original flowers and plant the new ones.

Grow and prune the new flowers.

Sell new pruned flowers.

Make 3 gingerbread cookies as soon as you have 3 jars of honey.

Buy another beehive.

Buy grapevines until you have a total of two.

Buy 2 fruit dryers.

Buy another oven.

Make raisins and raisin cakes; do not sell them.

Fill the customer orders as you can, and keep growing and selling new pruned flowers.

Buy 3 blackberry bushes.

Buy 2 jam boilers.

Buy another oven.

Make blackberry jam and blackberry jam cakes.

Buy the upgrades to the equipment as soon as possible.

Grow and cross the next original seeds as soon as the judges give them to you.

Keep filling customer orders, and growing and selling new pruned flowers grown in topsoil until you reach the money goal.

Dig up the remaining weeds.

The screenshots below show the left and right views of Level 4 as it was completed:

Level 5: Finest Forest

  • Fiona’s Skill: Way Ahead.
  • New items: a) Sprinklers, b) Upgrades to items used in the garden, and c) Upgrade to quality of bees.

You will be prompted to buy a sprinkler, then dig dirt around it. I like to dig the patches, and then put in the sprinklers.

Dig at least 4 patches of dirt for your original flowers, and 6 patches of dirt for the new ones.

Keep in mind that sprinklers are now available, and you will need to configure your patches so that the sprinklers will cover them. One sprinkler will cover the 8 patches of dirt closest to it:


Set up your patches of dirt to accommodate the sprinklers, even though you cannot buy all of them yet.

Put down topsoil.

Grow, prune, and cross the original flowers that you have.

Grow, prune, and sell the new flowers.

Buy all of the sprinklers that you need.

Upgrade the topsoil shelf, pesticide cart, basket, and plant food cart only. You will not need to upgrade the water pump, as you now have sprinklers.

Keep making and growing new pruned flowers in topsoil, and fill customer requests.

As you have the money:

  • Buy another beehive for a total of two.
  • Make 3 gingerbread cookies as soon as you have 3 honey.
  • Buy grapevines to have a total of two.
  • Buy 2 fruit dryers.
  • Buy another oven, and make raisins and raisin cakes.
  • Buy 3 blackberry bushes.
  • Buy 2 jam boilers.
  • Buy another oven.
  • Make blackberry jam and blackberry jam cakes.
  • Buy 3-4 apricot trees.
  • Buy 2 jam boilers and another oven.
  • Make apricot jam and apricot jam cakes.

Grow and cross the rest of the original flowers as the judges release them.

Grow the new flowers.

You should be very close to the money goal at this time. If not, continue to grow new pruned flowers in topsoil, and sell them.

Finish clearing out the weeds.

The following 4 screenshots show Level 4 as completed, from left to right, top to bottom of the garden:

Level 6: Seashells by the Seashore

  • Trophy: Complete 3 orders that arrive together.
  • Fiona’s Skill: Gift of Nature.
  • New items: a) Flower Wrapping machine, b) Juice Maker, c) Dual Purpose Sprinkler, d) Upgrade to cultivated fruits.

Set up your patches of dirt to accommodate the sprinklers, even though you cannot buy all of them yet.

Put down topsoil.

Grow, prune, and cross the original flowers that you have.

Grow, prune, and sell the new flowers.

Buy all of the sprinklers that you need.

All of your garden equipment (basket, water pump, pesticide cart, plant food kit) are already upgraded to their maximum levels.

Complete customer orders as you have the items needed for them. You can use Fiona’s skill of Way Ahead to be able to get 3 orders completed.

As you have the money:

  • Buy a beehive for a total of 2.
  • Make 3 gingerbread cookies as soon as you have 3 honey.
  • Buy grapevines to have a total of two.
  • Buy 2 fruit dryers.
  • Buy another oven, and make raisins and raisin cakes.
  • Buy 3 blackberry bushes.
  • Buy 2 jam boilers.
  • Buy another oven.
  • Make blackberry jam and blackberry jam cakes.
  • Buy 3-4 apricot trees.
  • Buy 2 jam boilers and another oven.
  • Make apricot jam and apricot jam cakes.

Buy the Juice Maker when it becomes available and make apricot juice.

Buy the Flower Wrapping machine as soon as it becomes available.

Start wrapping and selling wrapped new pruned flowers.

Grow and cross the original seeds as the judges give them to you.

Continue to fill customer orders.

Buy another Flower Wrapping machine as quickly as possible.

Make and sell wrapped new pruned or unpruned flowers as fast as you can.

Trim up any remaining weeds.

Below are screenshots showing Level 6 as completed, from left to right, top to bottom of the garden.

Level 7: Final Sow-Down

  • Trophies: a) Buy one of each of the six machines, b) Find every flower in Fiona’s story, c) Wing the Garden Beauty contest, and d) Use all 6 of Fiona’s skills.
  • Fiona’s Skill: Busy Bee.
  • New items: a) Perfume makers, b) Upgrade to the machines, c) Multi-purpose sprinkler.

The basket, water pump, pesticide cart, plant food kit, and topsoil are all maxed.

Put out enough dirt patches to have 6 of each of the original flowers and new flowers.

Put down topsoil, and replace topsoil throughout the level whenever you have a bare patch of dirt.

Buy 1 sprinkler.

Grow the original flowers that you have.

Prune them, and cross them.

Grow the new flowers by planting 6 of each.

Fiona Finch And The Finest Flowers V1 02 Setup Free

Prune them and wrap them 3 at a time.

Take wrapped pruned new flowers and pruned new flowers to the warehouse.

Watch out for the weeds in this level; they grow very fast; check on them and dig them up frequently.

Buy another Flower Wrapping machine as soon as you can afford it, and keep both of them running as fast as possible.

Make 3 gingerbread cookies.

Make 3 raisins.

Make 3 blackberry jams.

Make 3 apricot juices.

As you have the money, buy the rest of the sprinklers.

Fulfill as many of the customer orders as you can, and keep making wrapped pruned and pruned new flowers.

Buy a perfume maker when it becomes available.

Buy 1 more beehive.

Buy 1 more grapevine and fruit dryer.

Buy another oven and make raisins and raisin cakes.

Buy a total of 3 blackberry bushes, and another jam boiler.

Buy another oven, and make blackberry jam and blackberry jam cakes.

Buy a total of 3 apricot trees.

Buy 2 more jam boilers.

Buy another oven.

Make apricot juice, jam, and apricot jam cakes.

Buy the upgrades as they become available.

Buy a total of 2 perfume makers.

Keep fulfilling customer orders and making and selling wrapped pruned new flowers, wrapped new flowers, new flower perfumes, and pruned flowers.

Cross the next original plants as they are released by the judges.

Fill up the empty dirt patches with any of the flowers.

Check those weeds!

You will finally get the multi-purpose sprinkler upgrade; buy it immediately.

You will no longer have to fight pests; you can concentrate on pruning and making wrapped flowers and perfumes. If pests attack a flower, the sprinkler will go off in time to kill the pests, so you do not have to get them.

Keep fulfilling customer requests, and selling wrapped flowers and perfumes until you meet the money goal.

Then let the flowers grow out to get the total number of flowers goal.

Dig up the weeds.

The following are the screenshots as I finished Level 7, from left to right, top to bottom of the garden:

Free Gardening

In the Free Gardening mode, you have all of Fiona’s skills and all of the equipment and upgrades available to you. You will still need to cross the flowers to create the new flowers.

Fiona Finch And The Finest Flowers V1 02 Setup Youtube

Free Gardening Strategy:

  • Dig dirt patches and put out topsoil.
  • Grow and prune flowers.
  • Cross the flowers, and grow pruned new flowers.
  • Sell the pruned new flowers.
  • Buy sprinklers, and upgrade them to Multi-Purpose.
  • Buy a Flower Wrapping machine in the first few levels; 2-3 in the later levels.
  • Sell wrapped pruned and pruned new flowers.
  • Buy the upgrades to the basket and topsoil only; you do not need the pesticide, plant food, or water pump upgrades if you buy the sprinklers and upgrade them.
  • Buy the bees’, cultivated fruits, and faster/better machinery upgrades.
  • Buy the beehives, grapes, blackberries, apricots, and their machines as in the Story mode. Make and sell the apricot jam cakes until you get the trophy.
  • Fulfill customer orders and keep selling wrapped pruned new flowers, and perfumes to meet the money goals.
  • Cross all of the plants, and grow enough types of flowers and quantity of flowers to meet the goals.
  • Dig up the weeds!

IV. Crossing Flowers Combinations

Notice: This section contains spoilers for the flower combinations to cross to achieve the new flowers. There is no further information about the game after this section.

Level 1 Flowers:

1. Orange Amaryllis + Yellow Gerbera = Red Rose

2. White Hyacinth + Yellow Gerbera = Pink Gerbera

3. White Hyacinth + Orange Amaryllis = Blue Hyacinth

4. Lilac Petunia + Orange Amaryllis = Fire Tulip

5. Lilac Petunia + Yellow Gerbera = Purple-White Petunia

Level 2 Flowers:

1. Pink Gerbera + Purple-White Petunia = White Petunia

Fiona Finch And The Finest Flowers V1 02 Setup Download

2. Pink Gerbera + Blue Hyacinth = Red Amaryllis

3. Blue Hyacinth + Fire Tulip = White Tulip

4. Red Rose + Fire Tulip = Magenta Dahlia

5. Red Rose + Purple-White Petunia = White Orchid

6. Fire Tulip + Purple-White Petunia = Orange Lily

Level 3 Flowers:

1. White Petunia + Red Amaryllis = Blue Petunia

2. Magenta Dahlia + White Orchid = Orange Gerbera

3. Red Amaryllis + White Tulip = Pink Amaryllis

4. White Tulip + Magenta Dahlia = Lilac Tulip

5. White Orchid + Orange Lily = Pink Rose

6. White Petunia + Orange Lily = Yellow Iris

Level 4 Flowers:

1. Blue Petunia + Orange Gerbera = Red Gerbera


2. Orange Gerbera + Pink Amaryllis = Orange Hyacinth

3. Lilac Tulip + Pink Rose = Red Tulip

4. Pink Amaryllis + Lilac Tulip = Orange Dahlia

5. Blue Petunia + Yellow Iris = Red Orchid

6. Pink Amaryllis + Yellow Iris = Fuchsia Lily

7. Pink Rose + Yellow Iris = Blue Iris

Level 5 Flowers:

1. Orange Hyacinth + Red Tulip = Purple Hyacinth


2. Red Tulip + Orange Dahlia = White Amaryllis

3. Red Gerbera + Blue Iris = Yellow Rose

4. Orange Dahlia + Red Orchid = White Dahlia

5. Red Orchid + Fuchsia Lily = Marble Orchid

6. Fuchsia Lily + Blue Iris = Yellow Lily

Fiona finch and the finest flowers v1 02 setup instructions

7. Red Gerbera + Orange Hyacinth = Tiger Iris

Level 6 Flowers:

1. Purple Hyacinth + White Amaryllis = Pink Petunia

2. White Amaryllis + Yellow Rose = White Gerbera

3. White Dahlia + Marble Orchid = Red Dahlia

4. Yellow Rose + White Dahlia = White Rose

5. Marble Orchid + Yellow Lily = Yellow Orchid

6. Yellow Lily + Tiger Iris = Purple Lily

7. Purple Hyacinth + Tiger Iris = Mountain Iris

Level 7 Flowers:

1. Pink Petunia + White Gerbera = Yellow Hyacinth

2. White Gerbera + White Rose = Marble Amaryllis

3. White Rose + Purple Lily = Yellow Tulip

4. Red Dahlia + White Rose = Orange Rose

5. Red Dahlia + Yellow Orchid = Maroon Dahlia

6. Yellow Orchid + Purple Lily = Purple Orchid

7. Purple Lily + Mountain Iris = White Lily

8. Pink Petunia + Mountain Iris = Twincolor Iris

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